- is based on my long professional experience as an internationally successful opera and concert singer and as a singing teacher
- is based on my musical studies, my pedagogical education with a state music teacher degree (SMP 1986) as well as the “Künstlerische Reifeprüfung” (1989) and 8 years of practical experience as a teacher of violin, viola, early music education, basic musical education and as leader of string orchestras at the music schools of Groß-Gerau and Rüsselsheim, Germany.
- incorporates Peter Hess®-Sound Methods, which I have been able to learn and test in practice since 2005
sound massage certificate; Sound Massage after Peter Hess; Institute of Sound Massage Therapy
certified Peter Hess® Sound-Massage-Practitioner
Zertifizierte Klangmassagepraktikerin (SHB) Steinbeis Hochschule Berlin
Peter Hess®-Klangpädagogin
Peter Hess®-Klangentspannungscoach
Zertifizierter Coach für Klangpädagogik (SHB), Steinbeis-Hochschule Berlin
Relaxation Trainer b.i.e.k.
Progressive muscle relaxation Trainer fitmedi
Zertifizierte Psychologische Beraterin & Lebensberaterin (Heilpraktiker und Therapeutenschule Isolde Richter)
Psychologische Beraterin (TMI)
Mental-Coach, DTA